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Oceanography Books Site Last Updated 25/07/2024
Please find below a selection of Oceanography Books from Sub Aqua History Prints and Books.
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Image Title Author Stock Number Price
The Eternal Darkness BALLARD, Robert, D 2342 £2.00
Secrets of the Oceans BARTON, Robert 1044 £2.00
Atlas of the Oceans BRAMWELL, Martyn 1061 £5.00
The Golden Sea BROWN, Joseph, E 1068 £4.00
This Great and Wide Sea COKER, R.E 1089 £2.50
The Impenetrable Sea CONSTANCE, Arthur 1091 £5.00
The Silent Landscape CORFIELD, Richard 2842 £5.00
Frontiers of the Sea COWEN, R.C 1109 £4.00
Deep Atlantic ELLIS, Richard 1141 £2.00
The Undersea FLEMMING, N.C 1153 £7.00

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